Zeal Without Knowledge
by R.C. Sproul MANY PEOPLE ARE SURPRISED, AND SOME ARE shocked, when they hear of my involvement in the charismatic movement years ago. It began in 1965, shortly after I returned from graduate study in...
by R.C. Sproul MANY PEOPLE ARE SURPRISED, AND SOME ARE shocked, when they hear of my involvement in the charismatic movement years ago. It began in 1965, shortly after I returned from graduate study in...
The Soul's Secret Craving: When Everything Is Possible, Nothing Is Desirable
They say that during the 80s, the primary concern of most teachers was how to encourage students to pursue their "good" desires and leave the "bad" ones behind. Nowadays, the only thing a teacher seems to care about is how… [more]
Normalerweise weiß sogar ein Nichtchrist etwas über die Erde, den Himmel und die anderen Elemente dieser Welt, über die Bewegung und Umlaufbahn der Sterne und sogar ihre Größe und relative Positionen, über die vorhersehbaren Sonnenfinsternisse von Sonne und Mond, die Zyklen der Jahre und Jahreszeiten, über die Arten von Tieren,… [more]