Jünger machen, aber wie?
“You can teach what you know. You can lead where you yourself go.” Man kann lehren, was man weiß und man kann andere hinführen wo man selbst hingeht. Lassen wir diese Zeilen ein wenig...
“You can teach what you know. You can lead where you yourself go.” Man kann lehren, was man weiß und man kann andere hinführen wo man selbst hingeht. Lassen wir diese Zeilen ein wenig...
Mulieris Dignitatem (August 15, 1988) | John Paul II
Grace never casts nature aside or cancels it out, but rather perfects it and ennobles it. Johannes Paul II.
The Symbolic Realism of “Barbaros philosophia”
All creation is the most beautiful book of the Bible; in it God has described and portrayed Himself." And elsewhere he writes,
God is substantially present everywhere, in and through all creatures, in… [more]